Advertise in the 3.5 Million Readership Special ! This Classified Advertising Network Includes 150 Weekly & Community Newspapers Throughout the Midwest. Limited Time Only!
Product Description
Reach millions of readers at one low price. Advertise in this 3.5 Million Circulation and Readership Special and get your ad in 150 weekly papers throughout the Midwest. Rate is based on a 30 word classified line ad for one week. Additional word is $15.00 each. Place your ad by Tuesday at 5pm Eastern Time for your ad to come out the following week.
This 3.5 Million Circulation and Readership Special includes the following publications (Subject to change without notice):
Includes an ad in 150 different Pennysavers and Shoppers in the Midwest USA area. States include Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Missouri, Indiana, and Kansas. Reach the Midwest United States with this excellent ad buy! Price includes a 30 word ad in all editions. Order your 30 word ad today! Additional words are $10.00 per word. Deadline is on Tuesday to have your ad in the following week's edition.
Get the most out of your advertising by including a telephone number in your ad! You'll be glad that you did!!
This network includes the following papers:
Advertiser - Osceola
Advertising Guide - Storm Lake
Advisor - Albion
Ad-Visor - Denison
Ad-Visor - Orange City
ADvisor Advantage- Mitchell
Algona Reminder
American Classifieds of Omaha
Big Buck Shoppers
Bluff Country Reader
Bonny Buyer
Boone County Shopper, Inc.
Boone County Shopping News
Broadcaster, The
Calhoun County Reminder
Cedar Valley Saver
Chickasaw County Advertiser- New Hampton Tribune
Chiefland Shopper
Citizen Tribune- Sherburne County
Consumer Weekly - The Messenger
Cresco Shopper
Dallas County News
Dodge County Advantage
Dubuque Advertiser
Eastern Iowa Shopping News
Elkhorn Valley Shopper
Exchange, The
Fairfield Town Crier
Fairmont Photo Press
Family Flyer- Lake County
Faribault Area Shopper
Farm Market News
Farm News
Fillmore County Journal
FM Extra
Free Star
Freeborn County Shopper
Golden Shopper
Grant, Iowa, Lafayette Shopping News
Great Dane Shopping News
Hartington Shopper
Hillsboro Free Press
Home Magazine
Hometown Marketplace
Humboldt Reminder
Independent Shopper
Iowa Living Magazine
Jasper County Advertiser
Lakes News Shopper
Livewire -Jackson County
Luverne Announcer
Manney's Shopper - Hibbing
Manney's Shopper - Virginia
Marion County Reminder
Mason City Shopper
Minnesota River Valley Shopper
Missouri Valley Shopper
Mower County Shopper
Mt. Pleasant Shopper
Murray County Advantage
Nishna Valley Tribune
Norfolk Area Shopper
Northeast Iowa Shopper
Northfield Weekender
Northwest Iowa Shopper
NWIA Extra
Oelwein Shopper's Reminder- Fayette County
O'Neill Shopper
Oskaloosa Shopper
Owatonna/Waseca Area Shopper
Penny Press 1
Penny Saver - Cedar Rapids
PennySaver - Harlan
Pennysaver - Marshalltown
Pulse - Formerly The Insider
Red River Promoter
Reminder - Ida Grove
Reminder- Printing Services Inc
Richland Center Shopping News
Sartell Newsleader
Sauk Rapids Herald
Shopper - Maquoketa
Shopper - Windom
Shopper - Winterset
Shoppers' Guide
Sioux Center Shopper
Smart Shopper
Southwest Iowa Advertiser
Southwest Iowa Shopper
Southwest Iowa Super Shopper
St. Joseph Newsleader
Star Advisor
Star Shopper
Super Shopper Waverly
Tama County Shopper
The Country Peddler
The Equalizer Extra- Weekly
The Land
The Valley Shopper
The Valley Shopper - Crookston
Thrifty Nickel
Tidbits of Linn & Johnson County
Tri-County Foxxy Shoppers
Tri-County Shopper
Tri-County Special
Vinton Livewire
Washington County Shoppers Guide
Winnebago-Hancock Shopper
Winona Post
Wisconsin Iowa Shopping News