Advertise in the some of the hottest Daily Newspapers in the
USA! Whether you are advertising a business, employment ad, car for sale, real estate, etc, daily newspapers are still the best marketing tool to reach the readers you're looking for.
Rates are based on a regular four line classified line ad (approx 15-20 words) for one day. Sunday's are usually the highest circulation days, and the best day to schedule your ad.
Employment rates are generally a little higher than miscellaneous rates, and can include Careerbuilder, Monster, or other internet job board postings. If you are looking to post Employment ads in several different cities, please call our office for a custom quote at 407-909-1644 or email your request to sales@nationwideadvertising.com .
Need to get an ad placed fast? Call our office to discuss your needs at 407-909-1644.
Click On Any State Link Below To Find The City Newspaper You Are Ready To Market.