Place Your Ad In The Grand Junction, Colorado's Nickel Want Ads Weekly Newspapers! Add A Border For Only $6.00.

* GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO Nickel Want Ads Weekly Newspaper
* GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO Nickel Want Ads Weekly Newspaper
Item# 409NIC

Product Description

The Nickel Want Ads in Grand Junction, Colorado is published every Thursday. With over 80,000 readership, this free pickup newspaper is racked from Avon to Moab, Craig to Montrose and surrounding areas. Rate is based on a 20 word classified line ad for one insertion. Additional word cost is $1.00 each. Draw attention to your ad by adding a border around it for only $6.00. Deadline is every Thursday at 5pm for the ad to come out in print the following Thursday. This newspaper is idea for individuals, small businesses, and corporate companies. Advertise Today!

Display ads are available. Email your ad to the Sales Dept at